We encourage a culture of personal risk assessment before every task.

We take appropriate action to assess the risk and hence prevent or reduce the impact of potential incidents identified.

We provide a safe place of work and a safe working environment for all of our staff and clients.

Corrective actions and preventive measures will be utilized to reduce future injuries, incidents and losses and the effectiveness of these measures will be monitored.

Implementation and compliance of HSE standards will be checked from time to time to assure our stakeholders and ourselves that management processes are in place and working effectively.

Meet the requirements of customers.

Give best value for money.

Utilize the HSE’s significant purchasing power .

Ensure equality of access to qualified suppliers.

Undertaken in a professional manner.

Comply with applicable HSE regulations.

Environmental Statement

COTEX GLOBAL is committed to assist your organization with buying goods and services from manufacturers and suppliers who share our environmental concern. We will strive to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Our procurement decisions will respect and support the environment and our client’s goal to reduce environmental hazards.